Shenandoah Conservatory is currently accepting applications for our Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree programs in THEATRE! We offer three BFA programs:

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design & Production (six emphasis areas, including Costume Design, Lighting Design, Scenic Design, Sound Design and Reinforcement, Stage Management and Technical Production) 

Shenandoah’s rigorous theatre programs equip you for highly successful professional careers in the theatre industry. Your talents are nurtured and challenged by our professional faculty and staff, whether your major is in performance, design or technical theatre. Graduates work on Broadway, in regional theatres, on national and international tours, on cruise ships, in film, television, commercials and every facet of the technical theatre industry for all of these venues.   

COMPLETE YOUR APPLICATION TODAY and secure your audition date . . . spots are filling quickly!!      
Link for “Complete Your Application Today: