Broadway will return .... but when?

How can you use this time to set up your future
as an independent, successful artist?

Bohemia Realty Group is looking for artists and performers interested in a dual/alternate career in real estate. Over 70% of our agents are working artists that have thriving real estate careers, giving them financial freedom, autonomy, and flexibility of schedule during and in between gigs. 

If you've ever thought about getting into real estate but weren't sure
you had the time to make a go of it, NOW is the time!

You can complete your licensing to become a real estate professional
online in a 75-hour course.   Use this time to prepare for your future,
laying the groundwork for a whole new, parallel career.
Get licensed today, and be a part of a firm that will support your passion while helping you pay the bills tomorrow. 

Especially seeking those living in or with easy access
to Upper Manhattan.

Find out why Bohemia Realty Group is the hustle of choice
for performers looking to be their own boss!

Click HERE to hear from our CEO, Sarah Saltzberg, as well as
some of our agents about their experience at Bohemia.

Click HERE to contact us,
and see if becoming a real estate agent at Bohemia is right for you.
